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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

*All in the name of afforestation!*

*All in the name of afforestation!*

May 13, 2010

*The Forest Department has destroyed fruit gardens on approximately 22 acres of land belonging to Marma and Mro communities in Alikadam in the southern Chittagong Hill Tracts – all in the name of afforestation.*

* *

A representative of the chtnews.com visited the spot at Shil Bonia Para under Choukyang Union (Ward No. 1) in Alikadam Upazila after the incident, and he has provided the following brief information.

The burning down of the fruit gardens and other trees was done on 1, 2 and 3 May by Abul Hashem, Range Officer of Toin Range of the Forest Department (He can be reached at 01825333663)

A total of 11 families have been affected. Ten of their names and the particulars of the damage to their gardens have been provided below:


*Name of the head of the households*

*Father’s name*

*Estimated damage*


Nusha Mong Marma

Mong Hla U Marma

2,000 banana, 5,000 papaya, 1,500 jackfruit and 1,000 mango trees have been


Mong Cha Thoai Marma

Chai Thoai Marma

350 banana and 500 papaya trees destroyed.


Aung Chinu Marma

Thoai Ching Marma

1,000 banana and 100 mango trees.


Ching Hla Marma

Keoching Marma

6,000 banana, 1,000 mango and 2,000 jackfruit trees.


Kro Thoaiching Marma

Kya Hla Khoi Marma

8,000 banana and 1,000 mango trees.


Mong Mra Marma

Kya Hla Prue Marma

3,000 banana and 500 mango trees.


Kilo Aung Marma

Thoi Mrau Marma

500 mango and 300 banana trees.


Chai Hlagyo Marma

Koaincho Marma

1,000 banana, 300 mango and 1,000 jackfruit trees.


Raroi Mro

Moi Ai Mro

5,000 banana, 3,000 papaya, 500 mango and 500 jackfruit trees.


Ching Hla Mong Marma

Kyo Uching Marma


The damage in terms of financial loss is colossal – running millions of Taka.

According to a Forest Department employee, who wished to remain anonymous, the destruction began on 1 May at 11:45am.

“The labourers employed by Forest Department went to the fruit gardens of the Pahari people, cut down the banana trees and came back at 12 noon.” he added.

Abul Hashem, Range Officer of Toin, said his predecessor Range Officer AKM Shamshul Islam Chaudhury had made a plan to plant agar trees (Aquilaria agallocha) on the said land.


news source: chtnews.com

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